Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I Am Blessed

I have the best job in the world. This year, I am teaching English and Latin (yes, I've jetisoned math...though that was an enjoyable stint). Since we've recently changed our curriculum, I've been developing several novel studies, the first being Howard Pyle's The Story of King Arthur and His Knights. Through this, I have learned so much British history that I did not know; I've come face to face with how little I really DO know.

Plus, in preparing for Latin, I've filled some major gaps in my understanding of Roman history. What a blessing it is to have a job were you get to learn all the time. As if the students don't provide enough variety, there's Junius Brutus and Riothamus and Richard the Lion-Hearted...

In my spare time, as you might have seen on the book list, I've been reading Ivanhoe. As I read, I have been looking up people and events that I do not know/remember. Example: who was Eumeus? What happened between Charlemagne and the Saracens? Why was Coer de Leon imprisoned? Wikipedia has become a close friend.

Journey on!

1 comment:

rocketbird said...

We're home! It's freakishly late by London standards but I can't sleep, so here I am checking blogs...

Our trip made me keenly aware of my ignorance regarding British history. We were looking at coats of arms, architecture, triptychs and such, and I realized that I lacked the cultural knowledge to interpret them. Kevin said, "That's ok, I took art history and I don't know what they mean, either!"

We had a blast. Can't wait to tell you about it...after we recover from the jet lag. :)