I've often wondered what infinite joy would do to a human being...how will we handle or rather withstand perpetual joy in the Heavenly Jerusalem without emotional meltdown? With this present age behind us serving as a contrast, eternal life in God's presence can be fully enjoyed for what it is. But, will this effect lose its power as our memories of our earthly sojourn stretch thin into eternity?
In thinking of Heaven and infinite bliss, I've always considered the obliteration of the terrible opposites as God makes all things new. In their place I've projected pure blessed experience. However, it occured to me that perhaps instead of the sorrow-joy antithesis, in eternity we will experience times of joy juxtaposed with times without joy. Now, non-joy does not mean sorrow, and as such it could serve as the needed reference point to richen the experience. This is a novel thought for me since I've never expected that our experiences in Heaven may include moments of...what...stasis? I don't recall Scripture indicating this won't be the case, only that there will be no more sorrow, crying, or pain.
On the other hand, we too will be made new. Perhaps our capacity to handle complete, infinite joy will also stretch to infinite. Or, will the experience of Heaven differ so completely from this present age as to defy projection utterly? We shall see...
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