Sunday, October 22, 2006

God as Romantic, Pt. 2

God does have a relationship with us that mirrors the relationship between husband and wife. That being said, think back to when romantic gifts and gestures were the most frequent: courtship. These things may serve to woe a mate, but they are not the foundation of a solid marriage.

As a marriage matures (past the honeymoon), romantic gifts are infrequent, and therefore are a poor barometer for how a mate feels about his/her spouse. Self-sacrifice, service, and affirmation are the tools of a dedicated spouse to communicate true love to his/her significant other.

In addition, not all signs have a special meaning. It is all too easy to see a heart-shaped rock, assume God is smiling at me, and continue with my life--even if I have major sins in my life. I imagine that Satan could have a field-day with sign-dropping in order to mislead fallen Christians (or unbelievers!) into thinking that all is well with their souls.

Thank you, Ariel, for bringing Tim's critique to my attention. It started a helpful discussion at my house!

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