Book Level: 9+
In any conflict, problems only escalate when both sides fail to understand the perspectives of the other. In his autobiography, Tass Saada gives readers a fuller picture of life in the Middle East, as well as hope for how peace may find a foothold in the war-torn region. Once an Arafat Man also leads readers to a deeper appreciation for Arabs and Muslims and their place in God's world.
Growing up as a Muslim in the Middle East, Tass Saada experienced the resentment and hatred that led him and his brethren to use violence to achieve their goals. As a young man, Tass was a trained sniper for Fatah, a Palestinian rebel group. Later moving to the U.S. and marrying an American, Tass found that without Jesus Christ, a person is empty no matter where he/she lives. The tale of his conversion is truly inspirational and will leave the reader in awe of the True God.
After accepting Christ as his Savior, Tass followed the Lord with the same passion he followed Yasser Arafat as a youth. He started a non-profit organization called Hope for Ismael to help the people of Palestine, youth and adult alike, to find true peace and healing.
Readers looking for a magic solution to the problems in the Middle East will be disappointed, but Tass certainly points the way to what should be done to bring peace--individual people loving their neighbors through acts of love and service, sympathizing with the pain and hurt others face. This is a quick read and rarely bogs down in preachy language. Readers should come away with a fuller respect for those most Americans have considered "enemies" without truly knowing why.